Warwick Castle for Learning
Warwick Castle offers a wide range of workshops and tours for early years and KS1 - KS4. Read our guide below to learn more!
All tours and workshops last 30 minutes. Those tours and workshops that appear at more than one key stage are adapted to suit.
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Workshops & Tours

Ultimate Kids tour
Assisted by medieval costume and props your class will explore the castle of old and the various areas and functions of the castle, from the ammonites in the Great Hall floor to the mighty Barbican and Gatehouse.
Castle Life
In this workshop, your class will grind corn, spin cotton and learn a medieval game as they explore what life was like for everyday castle folk.
Curriculum links
- Significant historical events, people and places in their locality.
- Similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Attack and Defence
Assisted by medieval costume and replica weapons (wood) your class will be guided to imagine the challenges facing any army foolish enough to attack the mighty Warwick Castle.
Curriculum links
- Significant events beyond living memory.
A post 1066 study of relevant local history memory.
Norman Warwick 1066-1068
To the backdrop of a Norman Motte Students will hear stories of the battle of Hastings and experience what it was like to fight in a shield wall learn how William 1st consolidated his power by building Motte and Bailey castles.
Curriculum links
- Edward the Confessor and his death in 1066.
- A post 1066 study of relevant local history.
- A significant turning point in history.
Aethelflead’s Warwick (Saxon Life) - coming soon!
The daughter of Alfred the Great, Aethelflaed, built the first defensive burgh on the site of Warwick Castle. With the aid of Saxon props and costume, this workshop explores Saxon life and crime and punishment in her time.
Curriculum links
- The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor
- Anglo-Saxon laws and justice
- Resistance by Alfred the Great and Athelstan, the first king of England

Wars of the Roses
Using role play, props and costumes, your class will be introduced to the key players and events and the role of the 16th Earl of Warwick in this turbulent period of English history, which ultimately led to the destruction of the Plantagenets and the rise of the Tudor dynasty.
Curriculum links
- The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
- Understanding historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and using them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends and frame historically valid questions.
Warwick Castle Unwrapped
The tour traces the castle’s history from its foundations as an Anglo-Saxon settlement through to its use as a medieval fortress, a Tudor prison, a Stately home and to its current role, as an education and tourist attraction
Curriculum links
- The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1745
- Ideas, political power, industry and empire: Britain, 1745-1901 (the Enlightenment in Europe and Britain)
- Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day
- A study over time, testing how far sites in their locality reflect aspects of national history
Warwick Warriors - £4.50 per pupil
Sword and Battle Skills
In this highly interactive workshop, students are introduced to a medieval man at arms and learn the discipline and skills needed to become a successful foot soldier.
Curriculum links
- A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
Sword and Battle Skills
Warfare isn’t all about glory! Students meet a medieval recruitment officer who will take them through their paces. They'll discuss medieval weapons and learn the best techniques with swords.
Curriculum links
- The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
Medieval Team Building
From noble knights to front-line foot soldiers, in this workshop, pupils will experience the hierarchy and discipline required in the medieval military and will obey commands given by their billhook instructor.
Curriculum links
- The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
The Norman Conquest
From the summit of the castle’s Norman Motte, your pupils will experience what it was like to fight in the shield wall at the battle of hastings and learn how William consolidated his power by the building of castles and garrisoning them in key strategic areas such as Warwick.
Curriculum links
- The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
Tours & Workshops led by a castle historian cost £3 per student, those led by a costumed character cost £4.50 per student.
We offer workshops for all key stages to enhance your education at Warwick Castle. Each workshop comes with worksheets for the day and support materials for lessons before and after your visit.
KS 1-4+ History/Stem
£3 per pupil.
With the aid of historical props, costumes and real-life stories, our knowledgeable team will immerse your class in over 950 years of English history and the role played by Warwick Castle
Click here for detailed workshop information and key stage links
KS2-4+ History.
£4.50 per pupil
Immerse your class in Medieval Life and Warfare taken to the next level, where honour and duty counts and there is a strict Hierarchy.
Self-Guided Tours

Great Hall & State Rooms

Kingmaker Exhibition

The Royal Weekend Party

Towers & Ramparts

The Conquerors Fortress

The Mill & Engine House